1.a thin layer of skin that covers some parts of your body, for example the inside of your nose, and produces mucus to prevent itself from becoming dry
1.Can be in charge of nasally when necessary attract, but attract a movement to want light, do not injure bronchus mucous membrane.
2.Secondary syphilis has multi pal lesion on skin and mucous membrane, to ask the history and to examine carefully, and to avoid misdiagnosis.
3.People here chew betel nut all the time. The seed itself is an irritant. Most of the patients suffer from oral fibrosis of mucous membrane.
4.Bacterial conjunctivitis is a microbial infection involving the mucous membrane on the surface of the eye.
5.Thick, sticky, stringy mucus secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, AS during a cold or other respiratory infection.
6.Viral conjunctivitis is an infection of the mucous membrane of the surface of the eye.
7.After a week, the skin, the mucous membrane yellow dye, and sees the hemorrhage, after several days died.
8.The genital herpes virus invades the body through a vulnerable area of skin or mucous membrane.
9.The head of the uncircumcised penis is a mucous membrane, just like the inside of the mouth or the vagina.
10.If exposure occurs to a mucous membrane, irrigate the area for several minutes with normal saline or water and report the exposure as above.